Day shleves, Cutting/Stripping, Grinding, Gluing, Assembly, Trimming/Finishing, Polishing, Pick up shelves
Low heat is best for heating dupla and other firm heels, as you have 5mins to wait for the glue to dry on the heel block. We heat them so they stick well and are easy to trim with knife.
High heat one push. Is great for protection soles, business soles, grippy soles.
Two or more blasts of high heat are needed for leather soles.
How fast a product heats us is determined by time of year/ambient temperature, material colour (white reflects the light/heat) density (eva heats fast, vulkotop takes ages. Solid rubber unit soles like K93 take ages and are often best given a blast or two from the back side to avoid over heating the glue.
Experiment with colours and density to get a feel for heating speed.
With shoes made of multiple products the heat gun might be best.
High heat one push. Is great for protection soles, business soles, grippy soles.
Two or more blasts of high heat are needed for leather soles.
How fast a product heats us is determined by time of year/ambient temperature, material colour (white reflects the light/heat) density (eva heats fast, vulkotop takes ages. Solid rubber unit soles like K93 take ages and are often best given a blast or two from the back side to avoid over heating the glue.
Experiment with colours and density to get a feel for heating speed.
With shoes made of multiple products the heat gun might be best.