Close pincers firmly with hand towards end for control
Lever heel off
Start with left shoe from inside front corner. Take care with the last bit as it comes undone. Avoid damage to heel block. Place on top of grinding machine. Observe heel angle and how shoe sits. Starting with left as it has the instruction docket on it.
2. Grind
Grind right heel clean and flat. Repeat on left. Grinding right heel first as it is most worn, avoids double handling.
Getting heel blocks ground even. If they are badly worn down you will need to do builds. 1. start with the lowest one, measure the back corners and get them equal, 2. measure the front corners and get them equal, 3. level off the middle. Now copy the measurements over to the other heel block and repeat. Draw any pen marks in such away that they get ground off.
3. Check Angle
Sit shoe on heel. Is it flat? Check gap is 1-5mm under sole Makes for comfortable and stable repair.
4. Check heights
Put shoes together back to back. With some heel shapes, one up each way works well. Ensures even heights.
5. Do builds if needed
6. Glue
Plenty of glue. From middle to edge. Keeps glue off sides of heel block. If its a TPR heel block ... use TPR Primer then Clear glue. PU ... use clear glue. NOTE you will also need to use Clear glue over the Yellow glue on the Dupla heels.
7. Heat and assemble
Heat heel rubber only. To make it conform to the heel block and easy to trim.
8. Trim
Knife, Heel Trim, Cone, Deburr. Flows with layout of machine.
9. Polish
Paint heel block if needed then polish to blend in. Generally no need to wait for paint to dry.
Yes sure we can fix your heels... have you been into our shop before?